Saturday, March 2, 2013

You richies are so smart, that's exactly why I'm not heavy in activities

I should be honest and say that although part of me wants to reflect back on my busy week that was filled with far too many activities, mostly I just wanted to use a quote from my favorite movie as a blog title. This is what happens when I have an early morning John Hughes marathon.

Since moving to Mexico, I've become the type of person that doesn't like to have a lot of plans. That's not to say I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type, I just mean that I am incredibly lazy. I like to go to work and come straight home every day and then maybe do something with friends over the weekend. I don't like to get involved in too many things and have come to find stopping at the bank on the way home from work inconvenient. I know. I'm weird.

Last weekend was filled with going to El Paso to attend Congressman O'Rourke's town hall meeting. Myself, and some other American Families United members had a chance to follow up on the conversations that took place in DC last month. I also got to ask him directly, with the cameras rolling, how he felt about spouses of US Citizens who have been exiled to other countries and whether he thought they should be included in the upcoming reform. He answered with a big, "Yes," and I really feel that we have his support. Sunday consisted of far too much cleaning and doing laundry all day and then in the late afternoon we did more Spanish interviews for an upcoming radio project. Hopefully they turn out okay because my voice was still really iffy after having been so sick.

My work week was pretty hectic and started out with an interior completion on a termite job. That set me up to be sore for the rest of the week with all of the bending up and down and being on my knees. My hats go off to termite technicians because that is hard work. I still can't understand how they do that every day! The company limo is also in town for this weekend's home show and my boss and I picked up a soldier and his daughter on Fort Bliss and took them out for ice cream. They really enjoyed it and everyone on base got a kick out of our silly looking limo. I didn't really know a lot about the day to day life of an American soldier so it was an eye-opening experience for me. Right after we went to the West side to meet an 89 year-old Navy veteran and his wife of 65 years. It was really interesting to get a glimpse of the life of a veteran. There are 80,000 veterans residing in El Paso so I think it was important to hear their struggles as well. It takes such a selfless person to fight for our great country and I appreciated the opportunity to really thank these people, face to face, for their service.

I also got a chance to do an interview with KTSM this week and I thought it was a really positive experience. I was able to speak on behalf of AFU and I thought the article was well done. Immigration issues involving US Citizens and LPRs are such a huge issue in El Paso and Juarez because mixed-states families are such a commonplace. Even the reporter herself had a father with multiple deportations and could relate to our situation. I'm glad to have had the chance to speak out in the community.

This week would've been fine but I also over committed with some writing projects and helping Gordo with his homework and the long wait to come back into Mexico each evening practically ate me alive. I realize that most people's lives are like this; full of commitments and activities. I must be a rare breed because I just can't handle all that and that's why I'm not heavy in activities. I like to keep my life as simple and uneventful as possible. Not sure what that says about me but I am so glad that the week is over and now I can sit back, relax, and hang out with my friends. Well, as soon as I clean the house, write an article on Veteran Appreciation, do all the laundry, work out, and prepare dinner. #life


  1. I am right with you Emily. I hate to be over busy. I try to do as little as possible. It is not easy with 2 preteens, but I try.

    I don't know what happened to my blog. It disappeared so I am going to have to start a new one.
